December 21, 2012

The Cup Story gallery cafe

There is a small and very special exhibition at The Cup Story gallery cafe in Jongro-gu Seoul. Two of my art prints are framed and showcased along with other picture book artists include Shaun Tan and Dongsung Kim. Today I visited this cafe with my editor friend who curated this show. We never have enough time for our endless conversation. :-) 
All of the framed art prints and mugs are available for purchase. If you are interested, you can also visit Soojung edition website. High quality limited art print from various picture books include some of my art prints from my book The Little Red Fish and Only a Witch Can Fly are available. 
Please visit Soojung edition. 

December 20, 2012

Cheers for TUA!

Tua And The Elephant made it on to the Chicago Public Library’s Best Books for Kids 2012 List in the FICTION FOR YOUNGER READERS CATEGORY!!!

And you will be able to read paperback edition of Tua And The Elephant 2013 Fall!